We are a people who are passionate about building a relationship with the object of our faith: Jesus Christ.
PREACH God’s word • EQUIP God’s people • IMPACT God’s world
We are a community of believers in Jesus Christ whose vision is to glorify God by making disciples who make disciples. We are committed to knowing and living out God's Word through the faithful exposition of Scripture. We are passionate about building our relationship with Jesus Christ and with each other, and impacting the world around us with His love.
We love the study of the Holy Bible. This can be clearly seen in its high priority on Sunday mornings. Watch one one our previous sermons online.
We attempt to challenge everyone to develop a sense of how awesome God is, and we encourage all to develop this in their homes Monday through Saturday.
Children ages 3 to 7 are invited to enjoy a time of singing, games, Bible stories and lots of fun during Sunday morning services.
Nursery is provided during Sunday morning services for your wee ones.
A group of people to meet with to have fun, study the Bible and how it applies to us, do some sharing together and pray with and for each other.
Our Christian Education department is designed specifically to help adults of all ages learn how faith intersects with life through the eyes of Scripture.
Our church not only involved in short-term mission goals but also supports specific missions in an ongoing basis on both local and global fronts.
Forest City Bible Church
1889 Wonderland Road North
London, ON, N6G 5C1
e: office@fcbchurch.ca
p: 519-473-5555
Make a bank e-transfer to donations@fcbchurch.ca
Mail cheque to church address