

Worship isn’t supposed to be difficult. Some like hymns, some like choruses, some like the organ, some like guitars and drums.

At Forest City Bible Church, we attempt to challenge everyone to develop a sense of how awesome God is, and we encourage all to develop this in their homes Monday through Saturday. So when Sunday comes and everyone gathers for corporate worship, the blended music selections will be truly encouraging and help those in attendance enter into the worship of God.

We’re currently developing more worship teams. Join us this Sunday as we enter into God’s presence and prepare for the preaching of God’s Word.

Junior Church

Each Sunday morning during our Worship Service we run a Junior Church program, staffed by qualified leaders (who are also mandated to participate in abuse prevention training) who minister to your “little ones”. Children ages 3 to 7 are invited to enjoy this time of singing, games, Bible stories and lots of fun.


…your wee one, all under the care of caring volunteers. (Our volunteers are required to meet the Protection Training objectives).

Life Groups

In a nutshell, this is a group of people you meet with to have fun, study the Bible and how it applies to us, do some sharing together and pray with and for each other. Who doesn’t need to be encouraged? If you are interested in being involved, contact us and let us know? Currently, there are 4 groups each meeting alternate weeks: one on Monday, two on Tuesday, one on Wednesday and another on Thursday nights. The groups start up again beginning the week of September 17. Please contact the church office for more details:         

Men’s & Women’s Ministries

Our Christian Education department is designed specifically to help adults of all ages learn how faith intersects with life through the eyes of Scripture.

  1. Ladies in our church are invited to participate in a weekly Thursday morning study group at 10 am, where not only is the Bible a key resource, but where relationships are built and strengthened. This is a Zoom meeting.
  2. Our men are encouraged to develop relationships with other mature men, participate in occasional men’s breakfast meetings or get together for a variety of social outings to build one another up and understand how to live out ‘servant leadership’.

We want our members to find ways that they can grow spiritually. Are you eager to find out how to follow Jesus Christ in the face of a culture that is challenging traditional values? You’ll be warmly welcomed at Forest City Bible, where you can become involved in a variety of activities to help you grow “in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.”


One of the final conversations that Jesus had on earth with his disciples included a commandment to be His witnesses in “Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” with the good news that God really wants a relationship with the people of this world.

Forest City Bible Church is not only involved in short-term mission goals but also supports specific missions in an ongoing basis on both local and global fronts. These missions include:

AWANA International




Persian Ministry
