We are a community of believers in Jesus Christ who have voluntarily joined ourselves with the Associated Gospel Churches of Canada.
We love the study of the Holy Bible. This can be clearly seen in its high priority on Sunday mornings: first in our Sunday School classes for all ages, and second in the preaching and exposition of Scripture during our morning worship service. Then again during the week in our Life Groups. As a people of the Word, we honour the Scriptures by seeking creative but disciplined ways to apply this learning to our daily lives.
We are growing in our passion for building healthy relationships within the local church, as well as growing healthy relationships within our individual circles of friendships, neighbours, work relationships and the broader community. With this in mind, we hold to the belief that the local church is a place where God’s people can discover their gifts, and where these gifts are nurtured in the safety of community. We want every person who becomes part of our community to sense that God is equipping them to be used in a tangible and unique way to make a difference in the Kingdom of God.
We are a people who are passionate about building a relationship with the object of our faith: Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus rose from the dead some two thousand years ago, as recorded in the Scriptures, and that He lives today, giving life to those who willingly accept His free gift of new life after seeking forgiveness from those choices that violate the laws of God, commonly called sin. And it doesn’t stop here, because to decide to follow Jesus will have an impact on the believer in Christ…and it is Christ who seeks to have an impact on our local, national, and international communities.
Our vision statement is to preach God’s word, equip God’s people, and impact God’s world.
The following is a list of our values…
We believe that they guide us.
In our worship of God and ministry to others, we uphold the complete authority of God’s Word, the Bible. We are committed to presenting the Bible in a way that will transform lives.
We are dedicated to building up every believer to his or her full potential, encouraging and holding one another accountable, so that each person can be a committed follower of Christ and involved in His ministry.
We hold to the value that worship is an attitude of the heart towards God that can be expressed in different ways. We will seek to honour God in our worship. Ultimately true worship results in a dedication to serving the Lord in all aspects of our lives.
Without Christ, mankind is eternally separated from God and without hope. We are, therefore, committed to communicating the Good News of Jesus Christ in a relevant way to those we come in contact with.
We will choose, support, and follow the leadership of our church based on the New Testament model of spiritually gifted persons demonstrating a Christ-like character. In fulfilling their various roles we expect our leaders to follow Christ’s example of servant leadership.
The strength of this local body of believers is dependent on what each individual member contributes to the unity of the whole. Every member shares in the responsibility to exercise their gifts to care for one another and to minister to others.